Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hospital #6: Quick Update

Pit's up to 18 now and so far, seems as if there's no change in contractions. Honestly? I think I'm immune to it or something.

It's 12:30. Nurse said if Dr. R. wasn't here within 30 mins she was going to check me herself. At this point, I would really REALLY like to see some progress on the cervix. If I have it, they can possibly break my water and that would definitely get the show on the road. Seems as if the bean is floating along in her little home, oblivious to everything we're trying.

More later...still waiting on the doc.


Cait said...

Circles opening... spirals getting larger... flowers blooming... keep visualising all of it.

A's mama said...

Nice one Cait and so very true... I was packing to go home after three days of pitocin; my water broke when Craig went to get the car. It will happen. It will happen.

Peg said...

Kate you have a great attitude and sense of humor. I hope everything opens up for baby's big debut. Either way you will have a baby in your arms soon. Safe and healthy for both of you is the goal. You're doing great.

CrazyTiredMomma said...

Can you get up and walk around at all?

lindasue said...

"Seems as if the bean is floating along in her little home, oblivious to everything we're trying."

She's not in the least bit of a hurry at all, is she? Hang in there, girl.