Monday, December 1, 2008

Holidailies/World AIDS Day 2008

So I signed up for Holidailies again, and this year they are starting late -- Friday, to be exact. I'm hoping I can get a few entries in between now and then so I can get into the swing of things.

Today is World Aids Day, and I still feel the same way as I did last year. Things are still bleak in Africa, despite strides to help, and the problem isn't so much that we don't want to or don't have the money; it's that the help has no way to get to the people who need it most. Here at home, gay men are still the most at-risk population for new infection, and yet, we refuse to give them the right to commit to healthy, monogamous relationships in the eyes of the state.

I feel slightly more hopeful because we have a new President who will be inaugurated a few short weeks after I give birth, and with that change comes hope.

I still plan to give this year, I wore my red ribbon and a red shirt today in solidarity. I hope one day that it's in celebration of the defeat of the disease.

Remember. Fight. Love.

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