Sunday, December 30, 2007

Karmic Sacrifice

Writing from the hometown, foolishly brought my civ pro with me thinking I might actually study. Hardy har har!

We arrived yesterday afternoon, and I immediately dropped the boy at his friend's house for the Saturday game. The girl and I proceeded to Mom's for the afternoon, wherein we returned a couple of Christmas gifts to the mall I hung out at as a teenager and then ate at Red Robin (yummm) for dinner.

After dinner, I got a call from Jordana and she and her husband asked me to go swimming at my old gym. Never one to pass up an opportunity to get a good swim in, I jumped at the chance, packing up my gym bag and iPod and heading out for a chlorine-filled evening of fun and sweat.

Upon returning home, I went to pull my iPod out and discovered that it had disappeared. Ransacking, rifling and two frantic phone calls later, still it was nowhere to be found. This morning, I called the gym to ask if it had been turned in, and was met with a negative response. I thought through last night's events, and determined that a quick trip out to the gym was in order.

Sure enough, there my nano lay, having spent the night on the cold, hard, icy-wet ground of the parking lot. Face down. Though encased in neoprene (my arm wrap), the screen appeared to have some strafing and it will occasionally power on, but I can't get it to play or show any data, so I fear that it is a corpse at this point. Fortunately, I have iTunes, and have everything backed up with the exception of a couple of David Ryan Harris live shows, some JM Hotel Cafe live tracks (and I fear for never getting those back) and my beloved Roster McCabe, however that is mostly easily replaced. All the rest of my JM live shows are on my laptop.

So, eBay here I come...on the lookout for a new nano, and maybe I'll upgrade the memory. The old iPod was 2 years old this Valentine's Day, and was, in fact, a V-day present from the boy. It pains me to lose it, mostly because it's a PITA to get everything rebuilt, but at the same time, I'm feeling that this is karmic payback for getting out of the ditch unscathed. Also, I've got a long drive back with no iPod...and my private writing somewhat depends on my music- it's what I'm inspired by and while it can be easily replaced, it's still a royal boo-hoo to have the writing bug bite...and not have the correct mood music with which to propel the word forward.

Things always happen in threes, and I'm waiting for the last shoe to drop...I hope it happens when we get back home and that the sacrifice of the iPod is what it takes for the universe to get me and the fam home safely.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nooooooooo!!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about that. Did you do the restore? I'm sure you probably did, just thought I'd ask.

Are the Hotel Cafe tracks you're missing from the Continuum leak? If so I can get those to you.

PS...I hate that #3 feeling. I have the same philosophy about bad things happening in threes. Will cross my fingers that somehow, cosmically, you will be exempt from this. :-)