Tuesday, December 4, 2007

John Mayer Radio Stalking Incident #10

NB: If you are here from Holidailies, please leave me a comment...I don't have a site tracker and love feedback.

For background, check out this post.

Time: 4:42PM

Station: Cities 97

Song: Gravity

Location: Exiting the preschool parking lot. (AGAIN, with preschool.)

Turned on car at this lyric: Last notes of previous song, got the full opening. No DJ talk.

Today's honorable mention: I turned on KS-95 on my way to work and heard ...places to make it feel like home...but all I feel's alone...might be a quarter-life crisis...or just a stirring in my soul. Doesn't quite make an official JMRSI post, because I'd been in the car beforehand and had just switched the station.

Sorry, Holidailies. This is just going to have to do for today's post. I'm ass over teakettle into the wonders of Civil Procedure right now.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Man, even the poor Holidailies readers can't escape JM! :o)