Sunday, December 23, 2007


NB: If you are here from Holidailies, please leave me a comment...I don't have a site tracker and love feedback.

The Lord Almighty grant us a quiet night and peace at the last, Amen.
It is good to give thanks unto the Lord,
To sing praise to Your name, O Most High,
To herald Your love in the morning,
Your truth at the close of the day. Amen.

Isn't that a lovely sentiment?

Sorry if I'm getting all religious around here recently, but I'm discovering that my faith means more and more to me as I get older. This is probably because I've taken a lot of time to really think through my belief system, and sharply question what means what, what can fall by the wayside, and what's absolutely non-negotiable.

This morning, my mother-in-law's aunt came over for Christmas. This 87 year old lady still drives, attends daily Mass, never married, and taught microbiology for over 40 years on the university level. Quite accomplished. I marvel at her balance- she's a scientist by training and a Christian by faith. She has insights into God's presence and creation that would rival theologians and scientists alike. She's easily one of my favorite people, because she has a level of observation about the world that is incomparable. She sat at the breakfast table this morning and simply listened as my mother and sister and I chatted in our normal manner. A smile spread across her face and I turned to her and said "we must be a source of amusement to you."

"Yes!" she said. "You are all quite delightful to watch."

I'm surrounded by family and love, and as the default head female (there are matriarchs present, but none are resident, and thus my place is in the kitchen, running the show) I am stressed and bustling. In many respects I long for the days when I too, can be the ancient and revered relative, not allowed to lift a finger, required merely to sit and be regaled. There is much work ahead of me, a long journey ahead. Presents to wrap, dinner to prep, Mass to attend, family to entertain. Tomorrow shall be no different.

The Lord Almighty grant me a quiet night, and peace at the last, Amen.

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