Monday, December 17, 2007

Free At Last, Free At Last

NB: If you are here from Holidailies, please leave me a comment...I don't have a site tracker and love feedback.

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Finals ended today, and not a moment too soon. Rather than the cloud of doom that had hung over my classmates over the last couple weeks, the mood was cheery today. I was in a great mood when I woke up, and in an even better mood after Kate and I went to breakfast at Perkins, where we intermingled reciting the elements of certain crimes with discussion of home improvement and what we would be doing with our blessed time off.

"Reading something I want to read!"

"Catching up on Netflix!"

"Writing for fun!"

"Christmas shopping!"

"Sleeping IN on a Saturday morning!"

Personally, I'm going to relax, write, work a little, volunteer more, and try to focus on the fact that, for the next three weeks, I don't have four classes to prep for, 100+ pages of legal gibberish to read and brief, and next semester, whether good or bad, I know how to study better, learn better and digest law better. I have no idea what type of grades I'll get, but even if I'm dead last in the class, it can only get better from here.

1 comment:

KiniWoman said...

Howdy!!! I am indeed visiting from Holidailies! :)

I always loved the freedoms and the lifting of all burdens that come with the end of that last final of the semester! Congrats.

Enjoy the freedom and especially the reading of whatever the heck you want to (and to not finish it and/or regurgitate it if that's what you want to do!)!!!