Friday, February 1, 2008


I found this old blog kernel from a couple months ago, and I think it's one that will ring true for awhile.

I was at my (now former) part-time job, and one of my coworkers was talking about taking her family on a cruise next winter as a family vacation. Our boss piped up that he'd once won a cruise and he had the worst time on it; interior cabin, bottom of the boat, no stabilizers, etc. etc.

I'm not poor, by any means. Money is tight, sure...we don't eat out as often as we used to, and when I'm done with school, we'll be facing a mountain of debt equivalent to our first mortgage. We're probably about as middle class as you get. Midwest, middle of the road house, middle-aged cars, above median income. Some months, we're fine. Some months we struggle. Stuff comes up.

At the end of the day though, we have a roof over our heads, food in the fridge, power to light and heat the place, cars in the driveway and access to services and education. Which is a damn sight more than a lot of people in a lot of places in the world (including the U.S.).

My reaction to this particular discussion was to look my boss in the face and say, "You know, you're in a really good position in life when you can complain about your cruise line."

Bon voyage, Mayercraft Carrier...maybe next year...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"You know, you're in a really good position in life when you can complain about your cruise line."

You go woman!!! I feel the same way. I've never been on a cruise, but far be it from me to COMPLAIN about a free freakin va-kay.

I can't wait to hear the reaction from my friends. I think that will totally determine whether or not I save my pennies for it.